A New Look To Emphasise Our Difference

Our customers understand our commitment to partnership at every stage of the building process. Now is the time for us to place this firmly at the front of all of our communication.

The building industry is changing: an ever-increasing focus on improving quality, speed and efficiency is encouraging us all to look at new ways of working.

As a manufacturer we have a significant role to play in that momentum.  We asked our customers (over 600 individuals across the European supply chain) how we could add value to our relationship.

The answer, it turns out, was consistent across all of our customer groups.  What our customers want is fewer suppliers, working in partnership towards a shared vision of efficient building processes.

We’re listening and we are introducing a radical, Group-wide re-evaluation of the service we provide. 

We recognise that supplying the building industry involves much more than providing high-quality materials.  We have the technical expertise, the customer support and a genuinely innovative approach to problem-solving that we are looking to share.

In the UK we know the value of building trusted partnerships over time.  Our new branding represents our distinctive offer: to support every stage of the planning, design, distribution and construction of high-performance, durable, structural and internal walls. 

What is also new is the unity of the Group.  For the first time H+H, as an international organisation, has agreed a common way of working, recognising the speed with which construction is developing and ensuring that we can provide a responsive, collaborative approach to meeting new challenges as they arise.

This new focus is summarised in our clear brand promise – we are PARTNERS IN WALL BUILDING