The Barratt green house, below, has since been demolished at the BRE.

Sunday Times British Homes Awards

Perfect Fit

H+H is the largest manufacturer of aircrete blocks and associated build systems such as theThin-Joint system.

Since setting up its first research and development laboratory in 1969, H+H has been at the forefront of aircrete research and manufacturing. A totally focused strategy, combined with specialised resources, has enabled the company to undertake pioneering work with solutions including Celcon Blocks, Celcon Plus Blocks, Jumbo Bloks, Multi Plates, the H+H Thin-Joint system and the Rå Build method.

This commitment to R&D has helped shape how houses are built today. In recent years the company has taken a leading role in the development of the fabric first approach to energy efficiency in new build houses and it continues to be part of some of the leading research projects in the house building sector.

Find out about the British Homes Awards 2015 here.

Previous Involvement with The British Homes Awards

In 2007 the winner was the Green House, designed by Gaunt Francis Architects and built by Barratt Developments PLC.  The House was built using H+H UK's storey height aircrete panels and is currently still on show at the BRE Innovation Park, Watford.

More on the Green House winner 2007 and The Barratt Green House at BRE, Watford.

What is Aircrete?

Aircrete or Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC), as it is known internationally, is a highly thermal efficient type of lightweight concrete used to make blocks for housebuilding. They are the light grey or white blocks used to build the inner skin of most brick clad homes and are the modern successor to breeze blocks.

Aircrete is used as a masonry building block in a range of thicknesses for internal and external walls.  It is used above and below ground (dpc) and as infill in beam and block floors. Aircrete can meet the requirements of the structural design of a building without the manual handling risks associated with heavy masonry materials.

More on aircrete

Home Grown

H+H UK are a leading manufacturer of aircrete products. We ensure that 99% of all raw materials are sourced from UK suppliers reducing the need for transportation. Up to 80% of all raw materials are recycled products in some form. The primary ingredient is Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) which is a by-product from coal fired power stations, which would otherwise be sent for land fill.

More on H+H


Aircrete is a green and sustainable building material manufactured from natural raw materials and has been used in the UK since the 1950s. It comprises pulverised fuel ash (PFA), sand, cement, aluminium powder, lime and water. Due to its properties aircrete is extremely resource-efficient and environmentally friendly. Excellent thermal insulation reduces energy use within a building and when combined with other building materials such as brick and insulation products, extremely low U-Values can be achieved.  

More on sustainability

H+H UK's MMC Systems

The H+H Thin-Joint System complies with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) definition of a Modern Method of Construction (MMC) and incorporates house-building techniques by combining traditional components in innovative ways.

H+H aircrete can, in most instances, be used under ground up to and including DS4. Our Foundation Blocks provide an excellent solution, either as a first choice or as an alternative to concrete.

More on Thin-Joint Systems

On-site manufacturing

You can build the whole house structure with H+H aircrete products. Our aircrete is designed to meet our own exacting quality standards as well as providing constructions to meet the requirements of Building Regulations for:

All H+H UK products are BBA approved, so for fast and easy building, excellent acoustic and thermal performance and a tough, durable, lightweight design, you'll find H+H aircrete is the answer.

Whether you are a major housing developer with multiple units to build, or a smaller developer and housebuilder, the service and technical support we offer will be the same and will follow our simple rules that "H+H are a trusted partner" in all our dealings with you.

More on designing with and building with aircrete

Thermal and U-Value benefits

Thermal Properties:
Aircrete products can help optimise thermal performance and reduce the need for additional insulation. They also offer enhanced thermal insulation when used in foundations and beam and block floors by reducing the heat that has passed from the heated structure to the outside environment.

Sound insulation:
Aircrete's structure reduces the passage of sound, with simple solutions using H+H products, comfortably exceeding the requirements of Building Regulations whether through Pre-Competition Testing or Robust Details thereby delivering real benefits to the environment, both at home and in the workplace.

More on thermal properties

Manufactured to last

With a very long life expectancy (well in excess of the Green Guide to Housing Specifications 60 year building life),aircrete is a durable material that does not give off any harmful substances or require preservatives to maintain performance.  It does not rot or burn. It is resistant to sulfates and the effects of freeze/thaw cycles and it cannot be attacked by pests such as termites or vermin.

Aircrete's environmental credentials extend to its eventual recycling at the end of a building's life. As well as being an inert material that will far outlast the usual 60 year design life expectancy of a building, aircrete is easily recyclable, and can be crushed down with other masonry materials and used in future applications.

More on buildings to last

And finally

If you should wish to find out more about the British Homes Awards 2015 and how to enter, click here to be taken to the website.