H+H has become one of the pioneers of Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology in the country by being one of the first manufacturers to launch downloadable BIM objects for each of their products.
Launched through the National BIM Library and also available on the company’s website, www.hhcelcon.co.uk, the seventeen objects cover not only Celcon and Celcon Plus blocks of varying grades: high strength, solar, standard and super strength but also include Multi-Plate, Jumbo Blok and Foundation blocks.
H+H’s BIM object launch comes just two years after the initial call for the use of BIM on all UK government backed construction projects costing five million pound or over; still three years ahead of the mandatory use of collaborative Level 2 BIM by 2016.
Collaborative Level 2 refers to the BIM scale whereby Level 0 signals limited information exchange except through drawings; Level 2 involves BIM being utilised to the end of the construction stage, illustrating a fully 3D environment, and the top level, Level 3, involve 4D construction sequencing, 5D cost information and 6D project lifecycle management information.
Steve Knight Internal Development Manager at H+H said, “H+H is delighted to be involved with BIM at this early stage. There is no doubt that the technology will change the way in which the construction industry operates in the future, especially with regards to large scale, high investment projects such as the construction of the Olympic Park.
For a long time the various stakeholders in the industry have been working in silos. Bringing them all together, in front of one set of drawings and data, containing all necessary information, can only be a positive step with regards to meeting targets, whether that is relating to budgets or carbon efficiency.”