Norton Farm i-House using Vertical Wall Panels

The i-House System incorporating Celcon Vertical Wall Panels was specified for use on 164 units on the Norton Farm site in Bromsgrove. The i-House System provides the speed of offsite construction with the familiarity of a traditional build.

Construction of 164 units with a mixture of one, two and three bed homes in terraced, semi-detached and detached form, of which 98 are to be affordable homes for Bromsgrove District Housing Trust.

The main attraction of the i-House System both on site and for others within the supply chain is that it is very similar to traditional build in its materials and approach so there is no dramatic change to working practices for the follow-on trades.  The plumber, electrician and carpenter are all used to working in aircrete buildings.

The walls achieve a U-Value of 0.27W/m2K - similar to that in a traditional build - with roofs achieving 0.8W/m2K and floors 0.2W/m2K.