New Approved Document L Technical Update For Celcon Blocks

H+H has produced a technical update for the new Approved Document Part L, which comes into effect on 6th April 2014. The document explains how Celcon Blocks can be used to meet the new regulations in different types of construction.

The primary criteria that must now be met is as follows:

  • For new homes an approximate 6% improvement to CO2 targets on Part L 2010, with a focus on fabric performance.
  • For non-domestic buildings there is an approximate 9% improvement, consistent with fabric focused approach for homes.
  • There is to be no uplift in fabric energy efficiency standards for work on existing homes or non-domestic buildings.

The update introduces an additional target, the Fabric Energy Efficiency (FEE) rate. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that a design has good levels of fabric insulation that is a long lasting and permanent solution.

All H+H aircrete blocks and its Thin-Joint System can help builders to meet the new criteria when used with different levels of insulation. The technical update explains how varying U-values, ranging from 0.28 – 0.18 W/m²K, can be achieved by balancing various elements of the structure and trading one off for another. One of the simplest ways of doing this is by using enhanced thermal linear bridging that can be obtained when using H+H aircrete in foundations, floors and separating walls. Use of aircrete for both leaves of cavity separating walls can also make a significant difference to energy loss.

The new Approved Document Part L will apply to works from April 2014, unless work has already started on site, or a formal application was submitted prior to this date - with the requirement that works start on site before April 2015.